Sunday 31 December 2006

Christmas 2006

Well, 2006 is nearly over!!

James, Lisa and I had a quiet Christmas at home. We did the usual... eat lots, stayed inside where it was nice and warm and watched TV.

Lisa is going to a Kylie Minogue concert tomorrow night to see in the new year. I think she's quite excited about that. Apparently Kylie puts on a really good show, so I'm sure she'll be snapping away taking pics on her cell phone.

James and I are going out to an Aussie restuarant for dinner tomorrow and then will probably park off at my place and watch DVD's the rest of the evening.

Friday 15 December 2006

Christmas Dinners...

James and I went to a church Christmas dinner last night.
It was an enjoyable evening, with everyone making an effort to look
really smart. The food was pretty good. I spent some time at the
gym this afternoon working it off. We have another Christmas dinner tomorrow night. I guess I'll be heading back down to the gym...

Tuesday 5 December 2006

The night life...

The other night we spotted this little chap outside James' place. A 'real live' hedgehog (as opposed to 'roadkill' )...

I did a bit of reading up about them on the net...

The European Hedgehog is about 20 cm in length, nocturnal and eats slugs, earthworms, beetles and other insects, and sometimes frogs, small rodents, young birds and birds' eggs. Urghh!

Talk about pest control! Apparently a single hedgehog can keep an average garden free of pests by eating up to 200 grams of insects each night. Therefore, it is common throughout the United Kingdom to see people attempting to lure hedgehogs into their gardens with treats and hedgehog-sized holes in their fences. Some people even keep them as pets.

... consider yourself now educated about hedgehogs.